We have a list of various projects that we think would help improve our community areas.
Some projects have already begun and others we are looking for someone to start.
You can either physically help with the project or donate supplies and/or money to the project. Monetary donations are accepted through PayPal www.paypal.me/cedarparkclub.
Email us at cedarparkclub@gmail.com if you’d like to take on one of these projects.
We want to get the word out about Cedar Park Club to the surrounding neighborhoods. We could use your help passing out fliers, letting them know we are here and giving them our contact information. We will print. This could be part of your morning or evening walking route!
Beautification of the pool entrance: We would love to repaint and/or beautify the outside of the pool closet and bathrooms to make the entranceway more attractive and decorative. We are looking for someone who has an eye for decorating and donations of paints and other materials.
We are looking for a donation of a bi-fold announcement board where we can write messages and place outside the pool gates. We’d also love a volunteer with decorative handwriting skills to change out this board periodically.
The wooden sign near the tennis courts and pavilion has been recently uncovered (Thank you!). The wood that is there needs to be replaced. It was engraved and it may be nice to have something similar put back up or even painted with stencil. We’d be open to some ideas on what would look best here. It may also be a good place for a community board. Let us know if this project sparks your interest!
Street parking has become problematic, so we are asking that all neighbors park in designated parking areas. We’d like to create some parking area signs as well as some no parking signs. In addition, we’d like to make it a slow down area since it is hard to see over the hill and there are often children, other people, and pets in the vicinity. Please let us know if you have any slow down signs to donate or would like to help in putting up signage.
The pump and bathhouse is in need of some TLC. We have one volunteer that works in construction that offered to replace sections of rotting wood and repair gaps. We'd also like to paint it. We could use your help in donating materials or labor. Monetary contributions are also welcomed.
More details to come.
We have a family that offered to build our neighborhood lending library!!
This will be a small wood structure with a opening where where people could take and leave books. We would love donations, either monetary, or physical (scrap wood, a post, extra shingles, and other building materials).
There is always a need for more plants and planters. We’d love any help in this area. Maybe you have some large pots to donate (we could always paint them if needed), soil, and/or plants. Have a green thumb? We’d love you to help us plant something to make the area look nicer.
We are looking for someone who knows or works with concrete to help fill in the gaps and level at least one of the tennis courts. We are looking for people to assist with this, particularly if you have skills filling in gaps in concrete.
We'd like to fill in the gaps on the stone pillars at the front gate. We have one volunteer offering to help, but its a very big project, so he could use all the help he can get! We are also in need of the supplies: stones to help fill in the gaps.
Have roofing skills? Want to donate funds or labor? The roofs on the pavilion and pump and bath house are in need of repair. In particular, the pavilion roof leaks. We'd like to be able to have events there in all seasons without needing an umbrella.
We love our trees that provide shade around the pool. But some are in need of a trim, particularly those hanging over pavilion and growing next to the tennis court fence. We will start this task on our June 27 work day.
These are just a few ideas to get us started. There are so many ways we could work together to improve our community. Keep us posted if there’s a project that you’d like to assist with or donate to. I look forward to meeting and getting to know you all!